13 thoughts on “Hello world!

  1. Made me think of my own grandmother’s words of wisdom. Looking forward to reading more.

    1. Thank you James I have to tell the world about the awesome people I grew up with and in the process, I hope to inspire and motivate others to step out on faith. I believe we can change the world I didn’t think I was going to see a black president but I did. I know that with God all things are possible

  2. James,
    Your writing is very inspiring especially since I knew your mom, dad and grandmother whom we affectionately called “MeMe”. at our home church. Continue to tell your story!

  3. Great job, James!
    Your personal journey is inspiring (especially since I’ve known you all of your life). Your beautiful photos brought back memories. I knew your mom, dad and grandmother who we affectionately called “MeMe”. Keep sharing as you continue to inspire many people!

    1. Janice continue to read I have a picture of Ms. Ellis, MeMe, and my mother that will go up soon.

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