Welcome to Apple Jelly for the soul. You’re probably asking yourself what is apple Jelly , but most importantly what does apple jelly have to do with my soul? Most likely you have heard of Mint Apple Jelly severed with Lamb chops.

See the source image
Lamb chop with Mint apple Jelly
Remember Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches (PBJ's) with a tall glass of milk.  Yes, that feeling right there.  When I think of these three ladies 

 1. My grandmother- Bertha Mae Watson
 2. My Mother. - Leloa McCullough
3. My Sister -Bertha Sue Moore
That is the feeling I get.  

Why apple Jelly?

Every year for my birthday my grandmother would ask me ” What do you want for your birthday buddy?” and every year I would say- that’s right you guessed it “Apple Jelly” and every year I was reminded that I wouldn’t be able to get my gift until mid-October. My birthday is on the 25th of September. I was being shown the value of patience and delayed gratification.

” ok I’ll wait”

Feeling Good.


March 3rd I received some devasting news. News that shook me to my core. I couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact he had left the planet and a week later the whole country is told to shelter in places . Feelings and emotions were popping off like popcorn. About a week into the “shelter in place” I got very angry with God. Between March 2019 and March 2020. My sister and brother leave the planet 6 weeks apart, a co-worker leaves the plant and a dear childhood friend leaves the planet I wanted answers, I got an answer.

Peace be still

My mother would sing “Peace Be Still” Whenever she was worried, or confused this was one of her go-to songs, My mother would sing but when She came from her gut I would say she “sang” I would feel every word. The pandemic, people getting killed by law enforcement I thought of my childhood. And when I thought of my grandmother I wanted Apple Jelly, The thought of apple jelly my soul jumped and I danced. The birth of “Apple Jelly for the Soul”. Take a moment and listen to Peace be still by James Cleveland

Peace in the mist of the storm

My fears and insecurities almost prevented me from starting this blog, but I’ve been blessed with some awesome friends , and I had to quiet the storm within. If I’m made up of 70% water and God, YAHWE ,Higher Power, Great Sprit, Allah could calm an ocean then why not ask him to calm my storm

The Eye of the Storm

I’ve made it through the outerbands and the eye wall of the storm so I’m going to rest in the eye of the storm. In the eye its calm and it is here where I will share with you the pearls of wisdom, and how my dancing is a spiritual communication with the great “I AM’ and how the life of my favorite person King David inspires and motivates me even when I can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Please leave a comment ask questions I will be posting weekly. My hope is that you too will find that you will find your “Apple Jelly for the Soul” until then dance like nobody is watching and then dance some more.

9 thoughts on “Welcome

  1. Awesome , refreshing, inspirational and insightful! I cant wait to see what comes next!

    1. Thank you for the feed back I’m just as excited to wee where God leads me.

  2. I like the sweet ways you express your feeling and emotions a lot of us can relate

  3. Really nice, yes, I like the way you express your words that characterize your family and the tall glass of milk. πŸ™‚

  4. your words are so insightful james keep them coming for i can relate to everything you are saying and i am so excited for you

  5. All Praises To Our Awesome God, nephew that is β€œBEAUTIFUL” I’m sooo proud of you, every word is a memory of your grandmother, mother & sister whom I loved all so dearly. May God continue to bless you with the knowledge to continue this blogπŸ™πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ’–πŸ₯°

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