Fly away

Less than a month after writing “Brand new day” so that my sister -n- law could read her tribute before she took leave of this rock. I had no idea that it would be sooner than I thought. On Thursday, March 11, 2021, while at work at approximately 9:30 PST I took my first break. I always take my phone. I enjoy listening to music and having a cigarette my way of escaping,. I quickly put on my headset to listen to music while I walk to the front gate. There is no smoking on federal property. While going through my apps to get to youtube I noticed that I had several missed calls. Checked to see if any of the missed calls from New York, if so, I would need to return that call. One call was from my cousin’s mother, As I was getting ready to return her call, my nephew in New York called and asked me if I had spoken with my niece in Texas. “No, why what’s up”?. Call your niece. Ok, my heart is racing my gut is telling me to brace yourselff. with all the mental preparation I still was not ready to hear that my sister -n -law would not make it through the day. My niece is an only child who just lost her dad two years ago and now getting ready to say goodbye to her mother. Was I going to have to go to Texas when Daisy passes? I really don’t care too much for Texas, however, being the 2nd in line of the family it is my duty. At 1:45 March 11, 2021 Daisy took leave of this rock.

Daisy Thank you, I am going to miss you

The Eye of the storm

A little over a year ago I made the decision to write down about three remarkable ladies. My grandmother, Mother, and sister. In 2019 my older brother and sister took leave of this planet, that same year on Mother’s day my co-worker/mentor took leave. 2020 the 1 year anniversary of my siblings came and went. Then March 2020 my childhood friend decides to leave. In addition to all the grief, we get hit with a global pandemic. I was supposed to be resting in the eye of the storm, I was soon to find out the smaller the eye the stronger the winds.

eye of the storm image from outer space
Photo by Pixabay on