Brand New Day

Home -Inwood, New York

Jan 15, 1942 – Feb 21, 2019


So today is the second year without my brother Billy.  I had planned on how I wanted my site to run.   God had different plans.   I have two sister-n -laws that are here  Billy’s first wife Daisy Cross is still here.  I want Daisy to read about the impact she had on me and the great job she did on raising my niece

When did I meet you?

Sounds like a crazy question I don’t remember this wedding.  One I woke and there was a Daisy in my life.  What do remember is I thought she was mean cause my niece couldn’t just hang out.  I’m going to let you in a secret I’ve been carrying for a  long time. My niece was the dancer when we were little at the of the extended family BBQ music came one she danced and everyone yeah, then they asked me to dance can you say “awkward.”   Never again would I be embarrassed to dance.  Now and then when I’m dancing I think about that day.

Daisy, niece, nephew , and cousin

My sister-in-law at the time I just thought she was mean a couple of times it was more like several times I was reminded by my mother that Daisy is an adult that’s code for “shut up”.  I do not know when Billy and Daisy got a divorce nor do I care.  What makes her an exceptional mother, and sister-in-law she didn’t keep my niece away from the family.  I NEVER EVER heard her say one negative thing about my brother, and she could have.  My niece loves/loved her daddy and even when he would disappointment she still loved him.  When my mother would hear that Billy did not keep his word she would call him and remind him that he has a daughter and she is his responsibility she would be crying (sometimes I think she did for special effects) .   On the serious tip, my niece and my mother had a special relationship

Daisy thank you. This song is for you the title “Brand New Day” by Kim Yarbrough off the album Strong Enough . ” you got to be strong enough to walk on through the night, cause there is a brand new day on the other side, got to have hope in you soul”  I am going to attempt to attach the link listen and know that Lil James is dancing like David.